Blood Improvement Guide

Blood Improvement Guide


“-he who gains power over a man’s blood gains power over the man, and that blood is ” a very special fluid-” (Geothe) because it is that about which, so to speak, the real fight must be waged, when it comes to a struggle concerning the man between good and evil.” – Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Significance of Blood

In this article we will touch on the following:

Reducing blood viscosity, sunlight, exercise, massage, meditation, stretching, vitamins and minerals for blood health, breathing for blood health, and more.

Uninhibited blood flow is paramount to optimal health.

Blood is the quintessence of being, surpassed only in its potency by a man’s semen and a woman’s eggs. The body is built of blood. The blood is generated in the bone marrow, the bones vital component is Vitamin D which is absorbed from the sun via cholesterol in the skin. The absence of Vitamin D leads to osteoporosis or the weakening of the bones. When the bones are weak the blood is weak and the rest of the body follows suit. As all foods, plant and animal, depend on sunlight we can draw our own conclusions as to the composition of our bodies when it comes to sunlight.

Blood can be moved by thought alone, as there is a portion of the brain dedicated to the allocation of blood. This has been measured and verified. Could you not use your mind to send blood to a region of your body that needs healing?

Blood’s base fluid is plasma. It is also 40% red blood cells. It carries nutrients, oxygen, and waste. It is also sensitive to EMF as it contains iron. Intense EMFs can even warp the shape of red blood cells.


How to Reduce Blood Viscosity

Reducing blood viscosity(BV) is important to blood health. Artificial and refined sugars as well as diets heavy in meats increase BV. A whole-food vegetarian diet has the opposite effect while a vegan diet shows no measurable improvement from the former. Supplementing with or consuming onion and olive oil has also been proven to reduce BV.

Staying adequately hydrated is also monumentally important to BV and blood health in general.

Elevated blood sugar is a major cause of highly viscous blood, even in individuals who are not diabetic or prone to hyperglycemia(high blood sugar due to a lack of insulin production. When you get a sugar rush your blood is thickened by that sugar.

How to Promote Free Blood Flow

Exercise, stretching, and massage will help the blood move uninhibited through the body. The calves are of unique importance here as they contain a major artery that is opened and closed with the flexing of these muscles.

Visceral massage will catalyze free blood flow in the internal organs.

Meditation and daily relaxation will reduce the base level of stress that an individual feels which in turn loosens the muscles and allows blood to flow more freely.

Foods and Supplements for Blood Health

Folate or Folic Acid is essential to the body process of creating red blood cells and should be taken as a supplement if the need arises. Some foods high in folate are legumes, asparagus, citrus, banana, wheat germ, eggs, and beets.

One major cause of low folate is a diet low in fresh fruit.

Chlorophyll is chemically similar to hemoglobin and foods rich in this compound have been proven to strengthen blood-producing organs, support the lymphatic system thereby purifying the blood, oxygenating the body, and increasing cellular energy production. Chlorophyll is what makes some vegetables green and is most concentrated in wheatgrass. It can also be had in a pill or tablet form. I recommend staying away from spirulina though it does have a high concentration of chlorophyll it is also inundated with heavy metals.

Breathing for Blood Health

To realize the oxygen-carrying potential of your blood belly breathing, as they teach in yoga classes, is a good place to start. Some simple exercises to improve oxygen usage are to use a timer that sounds every 30 seconds, breathing in for 30 seconds, and out for 30 seconds. This also helps to regulate the nervous system. You can also do a Wim Hof style breath to hyper-oxygenate your blood. Breathe at last 30 full deep breaths(no timing here) then use a stopwatch to see how long you can hold your breath. Longer holds mean the body is more efficiently using oxygen. These techniques should be done breathing through the nose.

In addition to the aforementioned practices most any breath-work and pranayama techniques will help to purify the blood and expel wastes waiting to be excreted through the lungs.

It is also worth noting that 80% of fat that is burned throughout a day is held in the blood and released through the breath. The remaining 20% comes out in the urine.

Conclusion and Bonus information

Urine therapy can also be utilized to gauge the purity of the blood. In Ayurveda, blood and urine are thought to reflect one another. The taste, smell, and look of the urine will be some indicator of the state of the blood in your body.

For men, retaining semen will trigger the process of apoptosis which will reabsorb the nutrients used to create old sperm cells (150 days after spermatogenesis) and further increase the potency of the blood.

If you are serious about improving the quality of your blood you will probably want to have a full blood panel done as well as a food allergy test. Your physician can help you with this at low cost. Knowledge is power and modern medicine is unique in its power of analysis and data collection.


“-he who gains power over a man’s blood gains power over the man, and that blood is ” a very special fluid-” (Geothe) because it is that about which, so to speak, the real fight must be waged, when it comes to a struggle concerning the man between good and evil.” – Rudolf Steiner, The Occult Significance of Blood

In this article we will touch on the following:

Reducing blood viscosity, sunlight, exercise, massage, meditation, stretching, vitamins and minerals for blood health, breathing for blood health, and more.

Uninhibited blood flow is paramount to optimal health.

Blood is the quintessence of being, surpassed only in its potency by a man’s semen and a woman’s eggs. The body is built of blood. The blood is generated in the bone marrow, the bones vital component is Vitamin D which is absorbed from the sun via cholesterol in the skin. The absence of Vitamin D leads to osteoporosis or the weakening of the bones. When the bones are weak the blood is weak and the rest of the body follows suit. As all foods, plant and animal, depend on sunlight we can draw our own conclusions as to the composition of our bodies when it comes to sunlight.

Blood can be moved by thought alone, as there is a portion of the brain dedicated to the allocation of blood. This has been measured and verified. Could you not use your mind to send blood to a region of your body that needs healing?

Blood’s base fluid is plasma. It is also 40% red blood cells. It carries nutrients, oxygen, and waste. It is also sensitive to EMF as it contains iron. Intense EMFs can even warp the shape of red blood cells.

Blood viscosity, hydration, exercise, breathing, sunlight exposure, 

How to Reduce Blood Viscosity

Reducing blood viscosity(BV) is important to blood health. Artificial and refined sugars as well as diets heavy in meats increase BV. A whole-food vegetarian diet has the opposite effect while a vegan diet shows no measurable improvement from the former. Supplementing with or consuming onion and olive oil has also been proven to reduce BV.

Staying adequately hydrated is also monumentally important to BV and blood health in general.

Elevated blood sugar is a major cause of highly viscous blood, even in individuals who are not diabetic or prone to hyperglycemia(high blood sugar due to a lack of insulin production. When you get a sugar rush your blood is thickened by that sugar.

How to Promote Free Blood Flow

Exercise, stretching, and massage will help the blood move uninhibited through the body. The calves are of unique importance here as they contain a major artery that is opened and closed with the flexing of these muscles.

Visceral massage will catalyze free blood flow in the internal organs.

Meditation and daily relaxation will reduce the base level of stress that an individual feels which in turn loosens the muscles and allows blood to flow more freely.

Foods and Supplements for Blood Health

Folate or Folic Acid is essential to the body process of creating red blood cells and should be taken as a supplement if the need arises. Some foods high in folate are legumes, asparagus, citrus, banana, wheat germ, eggs, and beets.

One major cause of low folate is a diet low in fresh fruit.

Chlorophyll is chemically similar to hemoglobin and foods rich in this compound have been proven to strengthen blood-producing organs, support the lymphatic system thereby purifying the blood, oxygenating the body, and increasing cellular energy production. Chlorophyll is what makes some vegetables green and is most concentrated in wheatgrass. It can also be had in a pill or tablet form. I recommend staying away from spirulina though it does have a high concentration of chlorophyll it is also inundated with heavy metals.

Breathing for Blood Health

To realize the oxygen-carrying potential of your blood belly breathing, as they teach in yoga classes, is a good place to start. Some simple exercises to improve oxygen usage are to use a timer that sounds every 30 seconds, breathing in for 30 seconds, and out for 30 seconds. This also helps to regulate the nervous system. You can also do a Wim Hof style breath to hyper-oxygenate your blood. Breathe at last 30 full deep breaths(no timing here) then use a stopwatch to see how long you can hold your breath. Longer holds mean the body is more efficiently using oxygen. These techniques should be done breathing through the nose.

In addition to the aforementioned practices most any breath-work and pranayama techniques will help to purify the blood and expel wastes waiting to be excreted through the lungs.

It is also worth noting that 80% of fat that is burned throughout a day is held in the blood and released through the breath. The remaining 20% comes out in the urine.

Conclusion and Bonus information

Urine therapy can also be utilized to gauge the purity of the blood. In Ayurveda, blood and urine are thought to reflect one another. The taste, smell, and look of the urine will be some indicator of the state of the blood in your body.

For men, retaining semen will trigger the process of apoptosis which will reabsorb the nutrients used to create old sperm cells (150 days after spermatogenesis) and further increase the potency of the blood.

If you are serious about improving the quality of your blood you will probably want to have a full blood panel done as well as a food allergy test. Your physician can help you with this at low cost. Knowledge is power and modern medicine is unique in its power of analysis and data collection.

To build better blood and in turn, a better body remember these few things:

To build better blood and in turn, a better body remember these few things:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to intense EMFs
  • Avoid eating processed foods, artificial sugars, dense meats, seed oils, and alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly, especially the legs
  • Eat foods high in chlorophyll and Folate
  • Stretch daily 
  • Massage tight points in the body to release blood that
  • Stay hydrated
  • Get out in the sun as often as you can to absorb vitamin D